Setup SpamBlocker with PhoneBlock

The SpamBlocker app can filter out spam calls on Android cell phones so that the phone does not even ring when a spam call comes in. To do this, the app can query a spam database such as PhoneBlock when a call comes in to see if the calling number is included there.

Installing SpamBlocker

SpamBlocker can either be downloaded from the alternative app store or the “app-release.apk” can be installed directly from the releases on GitHub.

Setting up SpamBlocker with PhoneBlock

If you open SpamBlocker after installation, you will see the call screen. From there you must first open the settings:

There you must activate the program by activating the button next to “Activate”:

The activated settings look like this:

Now scroll all the way down to the settings for the “Query API”:

Now press the “New” button in the “Query API” section and select “PhoneBlock”:

In the dialog that now opens, you must now enter your PhoneBlock user name and password (you will receive the necessary access data after registering on the PhoneBlock website):

If you confirm the entries with “OK”, PhoneBlock is set up in SpamBlocker and SPAM calls remain in the filter without bothering you in the future.